Sunday, January 9, 2011

Things I miss from home

Picture taken from Veerle's blog.
As I have been spending a lot of time outside of my homecountry Belgium, several people ask me "don't you miss anything from home?". Actually, no, not really.
Of course I miss some friends and loved ones, but really missing something "material"? I guess I am somebody who adapts quite well. Don't think that, because I am in Africa, that all of a sudden there are no more shops. I am not living in the middle of the desert, Tamale is a city you know.

But ok, fair is fair, if somebody comes to visit me from home, I mostly ask them to bring one or more of the following things:


Definitely. I am a reader since my teens and this weekly magazine has never let me down. More than just an "independent radio and television magazine", Humo is for me the perfect combination of news, culture and humor. Love it!
I have noticed that, since I now live in Ghana, I literally read the magazine from front till back, probably to literally absorb every letter written.



Ah, what can I say... When I was just a small todler, my mother used to buy this for me and the image of the packiging was just carved in my memory, the perfect example of good advertising. I rediscovered this breakfast cereal when I first started living alone as a student and it still gives me the same joy.

My old-roomie Sara is enjoying the Ghanaian coastline as we speak. Of course she has first come to visit me here in Tamale and has got the good hospitality treatment at our lodge. When she arrived, she pulled out two boxes of Kwakies to my surprise. I guess that has been the spark to start this blog entry, I am just about to sprinkle some in my bowl and drown it in cold milk. Chocolate ahoy!

Sarcasm/Cynicism/Dead pan

Err... Not really something you can wrap in a small box and mail it to me, but I do miss it from time to time. I can have big fun with my Ghanaian friends, but mostly the sense of humor here is too soft/innocent/careful for me. Give me good hard joke, something totally "wrong" or shocking and you might make my day.

A good show of George Carlin, some Dutch cabaret or even a strong Family Guy episode can help me think straight again.




Even if you got all necessary things around you, from time to time a "craving" comes up. Back in 2004, that was döner kebab, last month... it was frangipane.

Picture by Alyssa Bistonath , taken from BlogTo.


Of course, the classic...Yes, there is music here in Ghana, of course, and there are some nice local hiplife songs, but I have got to be honest: I miss that European taste and I get tired of the poppy RnB. I want rock and electronic music.

Which brings me to the next topic, another icon in my Belgian culture:


Next to HUMO, the second thing that I have enheretid from my years as a teenager. I have to be honest and mention that I haven't been listening since I am here in Ghana. Of course I could have done the effort and use the online player, but that is not the same as drive your car with De Afrekening blasting through your speakers or relax before that important exam with Lazy Sunday during that warm month of July. No, I want to touch my radio, dial it to the correct frequency and just enjoy the sound that rolls out.
I am sure that StuBru has formed my sense of humor and my (broad) taste of music during all these years.
So it has been two years since I literally heard StuBru broadcast but all those good memories keep me being a fan and I am looking forward to play them again during my next visit.

Rechts: website / wikipedia NL / wikipedia EN

And finally...

a good hot shower maybe, that is always the first thing I do when I am back at home.

I am surprised about how long this list got in the end. Of course there are things that I miss, eventhough I am happy with what I have at the moment.


    1. RIP Kwakies… Aldi no longer sells them, and they were the only distributor I know.

    2. Ok, you just ruined my day. Please tell me this is not true


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